Friday, August 29, 2008
running mate
so john mccain has picked a woman as his running mate (sarah palin from alaska). surely the pick is not due to her experience since she has been in office less than two years. all we have heard from mccain for months is how obama does not have enough experience to be president, i guess you don't need any experience to be the vice president. is mccain just assuming that everyone who backed hillary will now back him because of his choice for v.p.? God help us if that happens.
posted by DeDe @ 10:04 AM  
  • At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually, although this makes him a hypocrite, it's also smart. Sarah is appealling to women like me. She is more relatable than Hillary (and you know how much I liked Hillary). Sarah is going to appeal to the middle class working mother's out there who wish someone out there would represent them! If she had more experience under her belt, and some foreign policy, that would make her more palatable. No, I'm not jumping parties, just saying what McCain did isn't entirely stupid. This whole campaign is about change, so what about bringing in a young, smart, mom who might just put these "good ole boys" in their time out chairs and ground them from the X-Boxes!-Melody

  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger Kat said…

    i wish someone would tell sarah that mccain said if women want equal pay for equal work, they should get more education and training. *ahem*

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger DeDe said…

    and now we find out that sarah's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. in an interview sarah stated that she is "proud of her for having the baby". WTF?

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