Thursday, August 28, 2008
obama just finished giving his acceptance speech, and he nailed it. i actually get shivers when he speaks, probably because he doesn't speak down to his audience. i found myself cheering, clapping, crying, i felt total elation. obama brought up the fact that he understands how the people feel that are having a hard time paying their bills and putting food on the table because that is where he came from. thinking back, how long has it been since there has been a president that didn't come from a wealthy family? i certainly can't remember. after tonights speech there should be no doubt any longer for anyone who calls themselves a democrat, if there is they must not have heard a word he said. these words spoken by obama tonight will be remembered for a very long time, "there is no blue america, there is no red america, we have only the united states of america".
posted by DeDe @ 7:59 PM  
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