Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"no way..."
normally i do not watch speeches on tv because i find them boring but after watching michelle obama the other night, i decided to watch hillary clinton last night. there were two things in particular that she said that really hit me. when she spoke of her staff and her supporters she referred to the "sisterhood of the traveling pant suits" and when she started to talk about john mccain she said, "no way, no how, no mccain". i can honestly say that i enjoyed her speech but there is one thing that i saw last night that really bugged me; the old lady delegate who said before the speech that she would only back obama if hillary told her to. since when, if you are registered as a democrat and truly are a democrat, would you not vote for the democratic candidate or vote a republican into office because you don't like the color of the others skin, his running mate, know enough about him, etc. for God sakes people this is the 21st century, wake up and smell the roses, we cannot afford another four years of bush like leadership.
posted by DeDe @ 8:05 AM  
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