Thursday, September 04, 2008
not sure
after last night i am not sure whether i can watch mccain tonight or not. the news is reporting that his speech will not be as tough as rudy and sarah's were. maybe if i don't look at the tv. i just don't want to lose the dinner i just ate and i feel really creepy when i find myself yelling obscenities at the tv.

so now it is just after 8:00 pm, i managed to sit through mccain's entire speech and only yelled at the tv a couple of times. prior to the speech there was an 8 minute bio movie in which "prisoner" or "POW" were mentioned four times in less than 3 minutes. there were more blacks in the film than in the audience (2 men 1 woman at the convention). some comments that i thought were interesting: he thanked bush for leading us and keeping us safe...leading us into a deficit or a war that had nothing to do with us? do our soldiers think they are safe? what about all of the soldiers who have lost their lives? mccain said "i have the record and the scars-obama doesn't", does no one stop to think about the huge age difference? i do give some credit; he mentioned that he wants to "stop sending billions to countries that don't like us much". I noticed a lot of signs that said "straight talk", was that to remind us about the way he feels about gays and lesbians? at one point he said, "i work for you", my response is "you are fired". at the end of his speech he talked about how he refused to go home as a POW because the 1st captured should have been the first to leave; ok so he's a war hero. but then he said, "i fell in love with the usa when i was a POW"...guess he didn't care until he was forced to.

one of my first things to do a hairbrush and mail it to cindy.
posted by DeDe @ 5:53 PM  
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