Saturday, January 27, 2007
i could shoot myself
just before christmas i received my first ever moving violation. i sent a copy of my ticket to a local attorney who went to court for me and got it reduced to an "illegal parking" ticket. part of the deal was that i attend traffic school.

well i certainly did not want to spend five hours in a classroom let alone with a bunch of (most likely) scuzzy people so i opted to do the traffic school on line. i also thought that i would be getting away with less that five hours...pfffffff.

the couse has 12 parts, each consists of reading and then answering 3 questions (you need to answer at least 2 right or you fail). also, each section has a minimum amount of time you must spend before you can take the three question test. all total FIVE freaking long hours and then it's off to the final exam...25 questions and you must answer 20 correctly. tell me, why does me knowing how much it costs to get a duplicate commercial license make me a better driver? this
was one of the actual questions on the final exam!!! by the way, did you know that it is illegal to drive through a playground because you could hit a child?

the one bright side to doing this on-line, other than not smelling a bunch of other people; you can have lunch, talk on the phone, watch tv all while you are waiting to go onto the next section.
posted by DeDe @ 5:12 PM  
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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Proud mother of one fabulous daughter, proud owner of one really cute dog, old enough to know better, young enough to not care, hopeless romantic.

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