Friday, November 11, 2005
it's great to have health insurance
a couple of days ago my two boys, banjo and dude, were playing together and started to get a little rough. i just knew that one of them was going to end up getting hurt and so i did my best to break them apart. a few minutes later, sure enough, banjo started yipping at the top of his lungs and didn't stop for about four minutes. then just stood in the middle of the floor looking pitiful and holding up his right front paw. when i tried to pick him up he started yipping again i knew he was injured so to the phone i went. i called the vet's office only to be told that the vet we usually see was "already gone but will be back in the morning". i told the girl on the phone that i needed to see a vet NOW! so out to the car and over to the vet's office we went where i was greeted with a, "we are really surprised that you would come in when dr goldman isn't here, we know how you are about the boys". We ended up seeing a new lady vet, very nice, seemed knowledgable enough, took her time examining the "right elbow and wrist". $96 later banjo and i walked out with a pain shot, bottle of prescription meds for pain and a diagnosis of "severe sprain right front leg".

today i went over to pick up banjo's twice a day bladder medication and got away cheep, only $18.00.

i tell ya it's just like taking little kids to the doctor except that i have to pay the full bill up front and wait for reimbursement from their health insurance company. it's definately worth it though!
posted by DeDe @ 11:28 AM  
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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Proud mother of one fabulous daughter, proud owner of one really cute dog, old enough to know better, young enough to not care, hopeless romantic.

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