Friday, October 28, 2005
sometimes you just type wrong!
kath and i have a habit of instant messaging each other during the day, it's a great way to keep in touch and just say hi. a few days ago she im'd me to say that she was going to bring something to my house. i thought that i had responded that "i would cook dinner" for her (since it is such a drive, about 45 minutes or so). well, last night i went to her house for dinner and she cooked. apparently, in all of my typing wisdom, or lack of, i typed "could you cook dinner" which is why i didn't really understand her response of "i could do that"! thank god for daughters!!!!! i walked into the house and she was preparing a "retro meal" which consisted of salsbury steak, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, corn and corn bread. it was delicious. but even better, i got to spend time with kath. thanks honey, i truly enjoyed.
posted by DeDe @ 8:37 AM  
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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Proud mother of one fabulous daughter, proud owner of one really cute dog, old enough to know better, young enough to not care, hopeless romantic.

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