Tuesday, December 18, 2007
vet bills part 2
so banjo spent the whole day at the vet yesterday. he got his teeth cleaned, blood work, urinalysis, x-ray and a blood pressure check. at 5:30 i was finally allowed to pick my baby up and hear the news: 1)teeth are clean but there were five extractions, 2)urinalysis and blood work looked good, 3) blood pressure not so good...systolic pressure was at 280 when normal is 120, 4) x-ray showed arthritis in his left hip and spine, more bladder stones forming, and his heart is so enlarged (the vet thinks this is due to his blood pressure) that it is pushing his esophagus up into his spine. so now he has been put on blood pressure meds and we go back to the vet for a blood pressure check every 2 weeks or so until his blood pressure is normal. i just faxed bills totaling over $600 to the insurance company, thank god his policy is guaranteed renewable each year. at this point if i get back a couple of hundred i will be happy.
posted by DeDe @ 10:04 AM  
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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Proud mother of one fabulous daughter, proud owner of one really cute dog, old enough to know better, young enough to not care, hopeless romantic.

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